Of Xenomorphs and Space Jesus: Prometheus

In my last post, I discussed a film, Quatermass and the Pit , which dealt with aliens altering human evolution in the distant past. This time, I'm going to talk about another film that focuses heavily on this concept, Ridley Scott's Prometheus . I am a huge fan of the original Alien . I saw it in the theater when it came out in 1979 -I had an older brother who took me - and it made an impact on me, not only for the bizarre yet beautiful H.R. Giger creature designs, but also because of the intriguing lifecycle of the alien, and the mystery of the derelict alien spaceship. Like many people, I wondered about how the alien eggs got on that ship, what happened to the space jockey, and who were these people who wound up crashed on LV-426? There were so many questions that were left unanswered. When Prometheus was announced, I was filled with a great sense of anticipation and excitement, because it was going to be a prequel to Alien , and would provide answers to so ma...